Monday, August 1, 2016

2016 Summer Road Trip - Atlanta

Turner and me in an airplane cockpit at the Tellus museum
We spent four days in Atlanta this summer. We had a great time as always. Bubbe always plans a lot of fun things for us to do.

We went to the Tellus museum and saw dinosaurs, airplanes, gemstones, and panned for gold. The highlight was a planetarium exhibit. Instead of the normal stars and planets, there was a thrill ride. We looked up and it looked like we were on crazy roller coasters. Hazel and Dad loved it; I wound up closing my eyes during most of it.

Tellus wasn't the only fun thing we did in Atlanta. We also had dinner with my cousin Lizzie, who is getting bigger each time we see her, and my Aunt Laurie and Uncle Jonathan. Lizzie is a very messy eater!

Hazel, Turner, and I helped Bubbe bake a delicious dirt cake, which turned out to be for my birthday party in Atlanta. Our favorite part was when Bubbe turned on her mixer too high and splattered the ingredients all over herself and her kitchen. We laughed and laughed. Even Bubbe had to admit it was pretty funny.

Waffle House
We went to see a great puppet show at the Atlanta Center for Puppetry Arts. It was called "The Little Pirate Mermaid"  The show was great - it had lots of fish and the characters were really funny. We all liked it a lot. Before the show, we were able to walk through a puppet museum, and afterwards, we even made our own fish puppets!

We ate at some fun restaurants while we were in Atlanta. We went to the Varsity, Provino's, and even Waffle House. It was Mom's first time at Waffle House. Papa would've enjoyed all of the food we ate - Varsity and Provino's were especially his favorites.

The weather was very warm while we were there so Bubbe put out a small pool, sprinkler, and 100 water balloons for us to play with in her yard. Even Lizzie came out to swim with us. Hazel grabbed a small slide and turned it into a water slide. Bubbe and Dad found a cute video from a few years ago when she did the same thing. Hazel is very creative.

Sitting on Papa's bench
As long as we were in Atlanta, Bubbe made sure we got our teeth cleaned. We all had very clean teeth, and behaved very well at the dentist office. Mom and Dad were very proud.

The days went by pretty fast in Atlanta, and we were all very sad when it was time to leave, but Bubbe had to get back to work, and we were off to our next stop - Panama City Beach to visit Aunt Jen, Uncle Ben, and Annabelle.

On the way there we stopped at the Chattahoochee Riverwalk for a picnic lunch. We had stopped there last year, but my stomach wasn't feeling very well last time, so we didn't really get to do much. This time, we watched people fly over the river on a zip line, raft down the rapids, and swim in the river with their kayaks and dogs. It was a good stop, and it was nice to have a relatively short drive day.

We arrived in Panama City while it was still afternoon.