Thursday, July 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to me!

This has been a huge week for me. Yesterday when I went down for my nap, I could feel excitement in the air. I was so wound up, I didn't go to sleep and after a little while, Mom came up to get me. We came downstairs to find Daddy home from work in the middle of the day, with a surprise guest - Bubbe!

Then this morning I awoke to quite a scene. Mom and Dad came into my room singing happy birthday. I didn't even know it was my birthday, but I was pretty excited that everyone was singing for me. But that was nothing compared to what came next. When I came downstairs, there was, sitting in the middle of the living room, a brand new car! Bubbe and Papa got it for my birthday. Thanks, Bubbe and Papa! When I saw the car, I just stopped at the bottom of the stairs and stared at it. Then I ran over to it, opened the door, got inside, turned the key, honked the horn, and rode around the room. I loved it! What a surprising morning.

The day just got better from there. This week has been a better time at camp because I got a new teacher, Miss Joanne. She is amazing! My first day with her was Tuesday and today Mom took me back to her. I got to splash in the little pool, and my teacher gave me a green scarf to put over my head so I can see the whole world as green. We have a huge paper mache tree in our room with a slide in it that I like, a cool spaceship made from a box, and today I rode in a box that we pretended was a car. The other thing I've been enjoying is a can filled with red circles (Mom called them poker chips, but she got in trouble for that - the teacher told her they are called red circles). I'm taking nice long naps there now too.

We've been having a great time, but I had a little accident at camp Tuesday. I was running full speed across a big room and I fell. I was going so fast, I skidded on my nose so I have a little carpet burn there now. Mom says my new boo makes me look like a boy who has lots of fun.

After camp today, Mom brought me home to see Bubbe and Hazel and I found my car again. I rode around in it all afternoon, and Peepa joined in the fun. She likes my car too. I also found I could put my duck, bear, and monkey in the car.

Dad came home early from work, and we all went to a groovy place called Threadgill's for dinner. The last time we were there was right before Hazel was born, when Aunt Lauren was here. It was delicious. I had some jalepeno corn bread muffins, chicken, corn, carrots, and sweet potato fries, but my favorite thing there by far was the fried okra. Mom and Dad were surprised by how much I liked it; we even had to order a second helping for me.

After we got home, I got a banana cake and opened a couple more presents. I didn't have a chance to open all of them though, because I wanted to play with the first few I opened - my very own computer, from Aunt Laurie, a copy of Best Nest I get to keep (before I had to read the one we got from the library), and my own mp3 player (now I don't have to get Mom and Dad to lift me up to turn on their CD players). Anyway, it's not nice of them to give me a nice present and then take it away, even if it is so they can give me another one!

You can see pictures from our fun day here.

1 comment:

Aunt Laurie said...

Happy Birthday, Mitch! That car looks like so much fun, and is way better than mine! I hope you'll have fun with the laptop, too! Have fun with Bubbe!

Also, please give your sister a kiss for me - I love seeing her smiles!

Aunt Laurie