Sunday, April 11, 2010


Dad and I have been trying something new on Sunday mornings. We've been going to soccer! It's a special soccer class for two-year-olds, on a giant indoor soccer field. There are about four other kids in my class. We do lots of fun things. My favorites are stretching (I can touch my toes!), red light green light, chasing shirt tails, and playing with cones (the orange ones, not my relatives). I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the soccer ball, although I am getting better at kicking it. You can see me kicking it through the hoop in the picture above. Mom didn't want Dad to have all of the fun, so she and Hazel came along for one class to take pictures.

Meanwhile, Mom and I have been up to our own special activities. We bought some plants from our local farmer Miguel and a small local nursery, and I helped Mom plant them. We have two different types of tomato plants, a bell pepper plant, some mint and some basil. I'm really excited about growing and eating our own vegetables.

I've been saying a bunch of new words lately, and putting together more phrases. I say things like "go home" when I want to go home, and "more beans please" when I want more of Mom's delicious homemade refried beans.

Hazel has been getting better at standing up, and she is eating more finger foods. Unfortunately, she still only has two bottom teeth, so it limits what she can eat. Mom and Dad have to watch me carefully to keep me from sharing food to her.

You can see pictures from soccer here. The link also includes pictures from an egg hunt, Hazel eating and playing peekaboo, and my new plants.

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