Monday, October 18, 2010

Grandma in town for Hazel's 18 month birthday

This has been a pretty exciting week for us because Grandma came to visit. Grandma came late Wednesday. We laid low and hung around the house Thursday, but Grandma thought taking me to school and meeting my teacher was fun. Friday we had lunch with our friend Zhenya and her parents, who came to visit all the way from Bulgaria. Hazel and I had a good time slurping up a smoothie Grandma ordered for lunch, then we went on to shopping at Borders, where I talked Grandma into picking up a fun game for me. After our nap, which I decided was optional, we headed to the playground, where Hazel showed Grandma how great she is at playing in mulch.

Saturday was another fun day. We headed to Terra Burger for lunch, where I played a little on the playscape and Hazel and I ignored our food but had fun in the water. After our rest, Grandma took a break from us while we went to a birthday party. We had some yummy fruit and cake and Hazel jumped in a bounce house with Mom.

Grandma brought tools to make jack-o-lanterns, so we made funny faces out of pumpkins Sunday morning. Hazel and I did not like touching the slimy insides, but Peepa had fun sleeping on top of them. We are really excited about the end product. Sunday afternoon we shared our full personalities with Grandma. We hadn't slept well and spazzed out. At the end of the day, Mom and Dad left us with her because they couldn't take anymore.

Today Hazel is 18 months old. To celebrate, she had a well visit at the doctor's office. The nurse was so surprised at how tall Hazel has grown, she measured her twice to be sure she measured right the first time. Hazel is now a whopping 31.25 inches tall (40th percentile)! She weighs 20 lbs 4 ounces and her head is 44.1cm around (both 4th percentile). You can click here for her latest growth chart or check out the chart of the right side of the blog.

Afterwards we headed to Costco for lunch and spent some time with Grandma in the morning while Mom and Dad went to a conference with my teacher and in the afternoon while they ran an errand. We had a great time -- Grandma took us to the playground again.

Dad and Mom said my parent-teacher conference went really well. My teacher said I am on track and am learning a lot.

For some pictures of our week, click here.

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