Thursday, October 6, 2011

Hair it is!

We have a special guest today...and now, message from Hazel.

I don't like to sit still and lately my hair has been pretty long. The result of this combination is dreadlocks. Bob Marley, my favorite singer, likes them more than I do, so we decided this morning would be a good time for a trim.

First Mitch let Mom clean up his hair around his ears so I could see that it wasn't scary to get my hair cut. Then I sat in the chair and Mom cut about three or four inches off my hair. My hair has been sort of curling up at the ends lately, and we're hoping it'll stay that way now that we cut some of the ends off.

Mom thought it was hard to see the curls go, but we think I look pretty cute, don't you?

1 comment:

Bubbe said...

Hazel, it was nice of Mitch to let you do a guest post. I do love your hair. It looks very cute on you. Love, Bubbe