Thursday, January 28, 2010

Finger Food and ABCs

Since our travels and the holidays, we are finally starting to fall back into our normal routine -- our nap schedules, Gymboree on Mondays and Thursdays, and when we really have it together, the Parenting Center on Fridays. It is nice to be able to predict how our days will flow a little bit, and we have had a few new twists.

Hazel now eats finger food. For the first time, Mom gave her peas for lunch yesterday. Hazel loved it. Now instead of screaming while Mom rushes to make her food, she can snack on those while she waits. It is making life more pleasant for everyone.

Hazel is also getting around more and more, faster and faster each day. I still like being a big brother but I am starting to be a little annoyed when she plays with some of my toys. Mom and Dad say I am still doing a good job being a nice brother though.

I've been working on saying a few new words -- "uh oh," "whee," and "whoa." I have also been saying and reading some new letters. Now when Dad and Mom sing the alphabet song they stop at the right parts so I can say "D," "O," "S," "X," "Z," and sometimes "E." I can also read these letters and it is fun to find them in lots of different places around the house and when we're out. My favorite way of singing and reading the alphabet is the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom.

I had a little bit of a rough time earlier this week because I was sick. It may have been a tummy virus or something I ate, but no one else has gotten it, so it was probably some food. It was no fun, but we were lucky our nice neighbor Candace could come help Mom take care of Hazel when Mom needed to take care of me Tuesday afternoon until Dad came home from work. Now we are just really hoping Hazel doesn't come down with it.

Here are some pictures of Hazel and I in the bath, me and duck hanging out on my bench, and Hazel eating peas.


Bibbe said...

Wow! Peas today--all kiinds of exciting things in store for Hazel!Glad to hear you're doing so well with your words and letters--can't wait for you to be able to call me on the phone and chat! Hope everyone stays well and no more sickness in your house. I'm going to see your friend Ellie next week--I'll tell her you said hi. Love, Bubbe

Bubbe said...

Last comment was supposed to be from "Bubbe!" Guess I'd better work on my letters too! Love, Bubbe