Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Three month birthday

Today I am three months old. So much has happened to me over the past three months; I feel so worldly now compared to how naive I was when I came into the world.

Dad is leaving us to go on a work trip for a few days. He seems sad to be leaving us - hopefully the next few days will go by quickly. In the meantime, we've got a fun new visitor. Grandma Washburn came to Austin today to stay with me and Mom. We all met her at the airport with a sign. One old lady, after looking at my mom holding the sign and my dad holding me, said "I wish I was Grandma Washburn." Grandma Washburn is going to help Mom this week while Dad is out of town. I can't wait to see what we're going to do this week. Now that I'm three months old, the sky's the limit!

You can see some cute pictures of me sleeping here.

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