Saturday, March 10, 2012

Havin' a laugh

Thursday and Friday after breakfast, Hazel put on costumes made up of things she found in our hat drawer, then walked up to Mom and yelled, "Look Mommy!" Today, I got in on the action, with some pretty funny results.

Today Hazel and I read a book about planets and the solar system with Daddy. He asked me what planet we live on and I said, "Texas." He explained that while Texas may seem like another planet, our planet is Earth and Texas is our state. Then I asked what planet Grandma and Grandpa live on.

It's really been raining the past few days, and we've been spending a lot of time inside. One of the things I've been concentrating on is putting together jigsaw puzzles.

Bubbe brought me a 24-piece puzzle. At first I thought it was kind of tough, but yesterday it clicked and I figured out how to put it together myself.

I was really excited about it so today Mom got me another one. I immediately figured that one out and moved on to a 48-piece puzzle she also brought home. I put about half of that together without any help, but it was just before bedtime and I was pretty tired. More rain is in the forecast, so I am sure I will have plenty of time to master it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Bubbe said...

Loved your outfits! Hazel is really getting into "decorating" herself! Keep up the good work with the puzzles--you're one smart kid! Love, Bubbe