Saturday, December 8, 2007

Happy Hannukah!

Tuesday night was the first night of Hanukkah. It is a really fun holiday. We lit one candle, said some blessings, and then Dad, Mom and I opened some presents from my parents, Aunt Laurie and grandparents. Rumor has it, there were also some latkes after I went to bed, but since I can't eat potatoes yet, I don't mind that I missed it.

Wednesday, Bubbe and Papa came to visit. We had a lot of fun. We went out for Mongolian barbeque, which was really neat because I got to watch everyone make their food and then we could see the chef cook it. By the time we got home I wanted to go to sleep, but Bubbe and Papa gave me loads of toys and books. Also while they were here, I learned to play a really cool game called dreidel.

Thursday I hung out with Bubbe and Papa so Mom and Dad could work. Mom and Dad's friends, Beverly and Dan, came over. Mom and Dad sure like latkes, because they had them again! I really like Beverly and Dan. They are pretty funny. I just wish I could have stayed up a little later to see more of them.

This week, Daddy taught me another new game called peek-a-boo. It is so funny, and he likes it because whenever we play it, I laugh a lot. Maybe I can convince them to videotape it for you sometime this week.

You can check out pictures from my first Hannukah here.

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