Thursday, July 10, 2008

On the move and having fun

Since we came home from Pennsylvania, Mom's been on the run...after me!

Mom and Dad knew I was getting around a lot more, and faster, while we were gone but since we were in a different environment, they didn't really notice how drastic the change was until we got home. Plus now that she has to take care of me by herself all day, Mom can really tell how good I'm getting at crawling, and I'm also keeping her on her toes by clinging to her more than ever. She says she likes all my extra snuggles, but she is really tired by the end of the day.

Since I liked playing in Grandma's kitchen so much, Mom is letting me play in our kitchen now. I even have my own wooden spoon and some Tupperware!

Another new thing since we got home is I got to try a new kind of squash - spaghetti squash. Mom says it's her favorite, but I'm not sure I like it that much. It's kind of stringy.

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