Thursday, July 31, 2008

Getting picky

I am getting choosier about the food I eat. Mom says I’m picky, but I keep telling her I'm just refining my palate. From meal to meal, the things I like and dislike change. I let Mom and Dad know what I don’t want by making a disgusted face, picking the offending food up and crushing it in my hand, then sticking my arm out, turning my hand over, and depositing it on the floor. I figure after it’s been there, she won’t try to give it to me again, and Peepa and Matty are glad that I share with them.

As a result of this process, Mom’s been giving me lots of new things to try. So far, I’ve had scrambled eggs with cheese (liked it the first time I had it, but not after that until lunch today), a meatball (hated it – wouldn’t even swallow it), vanilla yogurt (At first I thought - yuck! But today at lunch I ate a whole bowl of it), dried strawberries (yum!), and I’ve been drinking lots of whole milk (I decided I like it after all). Right now the only things I really have been enjoying consistently are bananas, cereal, cheese and applesauce.

I've also been having a good time showing Mom and Dad how much new stuff I can figure out, like opening the tv cabinet from my playpen, chewing a chunk of wood out of my crib, throwing sopping wet washcloths out of my bathtub at Dad and grabbing stuff off the table next to my high chair.

Tuesday Mom and I visited my friend Ellie. After we were there a little bit, Mom left so she could go work. I didn’t mind. I played with Ellie and all her fun toys and took a nice nap. It was fun! When I woke up, Mom was back. We had some lunch, then went down the street with Ellie and her mom, Suzanne, to the sprinkler park. I love the sprayer in the sink, where I take my bath, and the sprayer on the hose outside, and this was even better. There were many colorful, gigantic sprayers everywhere. It is a great way to cool down on a hot day. I can’t wait to see Ellie and the water park again soon!

Yesterday I had another chance to play with someone other than Mom and Dad. My new friend Marta came to hang out with me while Mom went to work again. We had a dance party, I showed Marta all my toys, we made fish faces and she read my books to me. It was a great afternoon!

This morning I was a little grumpy because my molar, which finally cut through my gums, was bothering me. Mom said it would be good to have a change of scenery, so we loaded up the wagon and Matty and headed down to the library. It was not open yet when we got there, but we had a great walk anyway. Lots of people smiled and waved at us, including a policeman, and a guy yelled out his car window, “That’s a nice looking wagon!” I guess he liked my new birthday canopy. There’s no end to the fun we have around here!

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